Sunday, September 14, 2014

Dale Outdid Himself This Time

We had Heather and Nick over last night and Dale made Julia Child's beef bourginoine recipe. We both made it for Christmas Eve a few years ago. Yesterday Dale included one of Julia's steps that we didn't do last time. He strained the broth through a colander into a sauce pan and then put the meat and other ingredients back in the Le Creuset pot. With the broth in the sauce pan, Dale skimmed off the fat. Then he added in back in with the meat in the pot. Less fatty and it tasted divine. 

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Sunday Dinner - Sept. 7, 2014

Dale and I made lasagna tonight. We had nachos for an appetizer as we prepared it. I've always known that lasagna refers to the dish itself but also the noodle. I learned today that the plural of a lasagna noodle is lasagne. Huh, go figure. I've always wondered about the different spelling. Now I know.